This Mother’s Day coupon good for . . . doing the job of your choice. Love, Whitten
This Mother’s Day coupon good for . . . making your bed. Love, Jade and Shiloh
This Mother’s Day coupon good for . . . making dinner. Love, Dakota
What a clever little boy! My friend got a good chuckle and an idea for what to include in her own mother’s belated Mother’s Day card – coupons! Her favorite one is:
This Mother’s Day coupon good for . . . tracing your genealogy back to Adam. Love, Jody
What Mother’s Day coupons would you make for your mother care of your siblings?
Now for some reflections on my own Mother’s Day. It was bliss. My hubby really worked extra hard so that I wouldn’t have to. (Thank you, honey!) And the talks in Sacrament Meeting were inspiring and non-guilt inducing. In fact, our Sunday School President’s whole talk was meant to serve as an antidote to the usual “my mother is perfect” fare which gets recited on Mother’s Day.
As he was speaking I whispered to my husband, “All mothers have perfect moments.” I followed that up with, “Most of mine are while I am sleeping.” Which is true. Especially now that I have a new, soft mattress.
Truth be told, I’ve always wanted to speak on Mother’s Day. Not only would I share the little truth I discovered – All mothers have perfect moments -- but I would also point out that no mother is perfect. Mine included. But my mother is memorable.
I spent a little time yesterday jotting down some of the things I’ve learned from my mom. I call them Life Lessons from Leslie. Here they are:
1. Save your receipts.
2. Cooking is overrated. Find a few dishes the family likes and set up a rotation.
3. Life is uncertain – eat dessert first!
4. You can never have too much of a good thing. (In her case, earrings and blackberry Jell-O.)
5. The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. So learn to make your husband’s favorite dessert.
6. Live, love, and laugh! Laughing until the tears roll down creates moments to remember.
7. Love yourself. Mom said, “Whenever you’re running for an office, always vote for yourself!” I also credit her with much of my own self-confidence. Her self-assurance bolstered my own. I knew that because she valued herself, as her daughter I must also have intrinsic value.
Thanks, Mom!
Great post! Isn't it nice to leave some of the guilt of mothering behind and enjoy it a bit more? Your mom rocks! I'm gonna work on the self-confidence begets self-confidence angle with my kids. Now if only we could ditch the depression and anxiety thing FOREVER!!!
Oh-- one more thing. WW is holding me accountable, but I'm sad at the backwards movement of the scale this past week. My leader has challenged me to a "Who can exercise more" week. She works out an average of 6 hours a week (I think mostly walking). I might need to call and cry next week if she beats me and I don't lose any weight.
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