Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Mindful Eating

This morning the Wall Street Journal had a Health Journal article on mindful eating. I needed the reminder. I clipped the article for future reference, but for today’s blog I wanted to remind myself that when I pay attention to my hunger signals and don’t mindlessly munch, I can maintain my weightloss—even lose a bit.

The following is an entry from my Fitness Journal from March 30th.

I guess you could say that this week was my first week of trying to overcome my desire to overeat with the Lord’s help. So far, so good.

I got on the scale this morning and had lost a bit from last week. But the best thing is, I’m not constantly obsessing about food.

There were three days this week when I knelt down in the morning and asked Heavenly Father to bless me with the desire to do His will and to eat only when I’m hungry and not overeat. All three days were great days!

On the other days of the week I got into a morning rush and forgot to pray. Although I said silent, quick prayers in my heart throughout the day, it was not the same as when I took three to five minutes of time on my knees at the start of the day and poured my soul out to the Lord.

I need to remember that my spiritual needs (prayer) are just as, if not more, important than my physical needs (shower, dressing, breakfast).

Prayer is the ultimate way to start the day!!

Note: It is freeing not to have to measure and write down every little thing I eat. And cooking and shopping are much simpler too. With the extra mental energy I have, I feel better able to focus on my family, fun hobbies and even my writing. That’s certainly a blessing of eating only when I’m hungry and stopping when I’m full.

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