Friday, November 07, 2008

Crappy Schlappy . . .

This is not a fun Friday. This is a crappy Friday. A miserable (sniff), mopey (hack!), I've-got-a-cold Friday.

I shouldn't complain. It's been a good five years since I've had a real head cold. Maybe even longer. But that only makes it worse. I'd forgotten how miserable they are.

Guess I'll just lounge about sniffing, coughing, and breathing through my mouth. Good thing I made a big pot of Southwest Chicken Soup yesterday. I'm counting on it to keep me going. The kids found it a bit too spicy. Guess they'll just have to fend for themselves. Corndogs. Mac-n-cheese. They know the drill.

Oh, before I forget, you might want to check out the comments to the Adoption post from this week. Here I thought I'd written something warm and uplifting. Apparently someone didn't think so. How'd I do in my response to her? What would you have said?


Shauna said...

♥ HUGS to you! Hope you get feeling better soon :)

Angie said...

so sorry you are feeling yucky! And I think you handled that great - very interesting - it makes you want to know her story... or not...

Allie's Antics said...

I hope you get feeling better soon. I cannot believe you never get colds! You are very lucky. Lots of zinc and vitamin C. Oh, and tons of carbs! he he...

Leslie said...

Get feeling better soon! Colds are the worst. The soup sure sounds great though! I am trying that one.
Also, as for making a "cutesy" blog just do the following:
1-click on the blue box at the top of my blog (Cutest Blog on the Block).
2- Pick your background.
3- Follow the directions for copying and pasting the format.
4- Go to Layout in your menu/ blog.
5- Click on "Add a Gadget"
6- Find the HTML/Javascript add-on.
7- Paste the format from Cutest Blog...
8- You're done!
You MAY have to change the template for the blog. These are just the general templates e-blogger offers. I chose the most basic.
Good luck! What a cute YW leader to do a blog for them! GREAT idea.

Flashlight Girl said...

To address the comments left by momma3-- Whoa! First, I'm wondering if she's had any real psychotherapy from a good therapist. I'm thinking she found an outlet for her grief that rather than allowing her to heal has only deepened her wound. 2nd, my experience with adopted children and their families has been only positive. This includes domestic and international adoptions. Yes, I am certain that birthmothers experience excruciating pain. Yet, for the vast majority of the families with adopted children, the children are happy. Isn't this what it is about? A (birth)mother loving her child more than herself? Loving the child enough to want to give it every opportunity to live in a healthy, protected, loving family? My experience with single, very young mothers has been more depressing than perhaps others. Lack of education for mother and child, health issues, dependence on state and family for financial support, and the list could go on. As a mother of five children, I don't think intentionally damning a child to a life of poverty, physical insecurity, and the like simply based on the "love" argument is being a loving parent. Even if that situation is only for a few short years. Most often it is not.

Anyway. . . Christie, I'm pretty sure that momma3 found you blog surfing for "adoption" blogs. You were a random hit. She likely does that particular search every morning in an attempt to spread her message. Your answer was compassionate, yet firm. I did follow up on momma3's website and found it full of adoption angst. I've never yet met an "adoption broker" or ever seen anything that remotely resembles the taking of babies from poor women for rich families to adopt. I wish those women and their children well. I hope they can find healing. They hopefully will acknowlege, however, that not all adoption stories are as grim as their own.