Saturday, August 30, 2008

Does John McCain Read This Blog?

I swear that John McCain got his idea to choose Sarah Palin as his running mate from this blog. Do you remember when I had the poll on the possible names for a website for moms? One was Mom4President. If John McCain gets elected (which I hope he does), and then dies in office (which I hope he doesn't), then Sarah Palin would be President of the United States.

When I first heard who McCain selected to run with him as Vice President, I was disappointed it wasn't Mitt Romney. But after reading about Gov. Palin, I couldn’t stop smiling. And I’ve only become more enthusiastic and supportive of McCain’s decision since then.

The only means Obama has to question the selection of Gov. Palin is to question her readiness to fill the presidential shoes should McCain die in office. Okay. If McCain does die in office, he’ll have already appointed the best minds available as advisors and aides. Palin would then draw on their considerable experience, but more importantly, make decisions based on what is best for Americans, not what is best for the government.

I can’t tell you how excited I am to see a mother of five children on the ticket for Vice President! She’s not a career politician. She didn’t major in political science or law. Her husband is a regular guy who works drilling oil and drives snowmobiles. (Finding out that Eric was a snowmobiler was a major point in his favor when we were in the same student ward.) This is definitely not politics as usual. Talk about CHANGE!

I’m hopeful that the McCain/Palin ticket means our other elected officials will be on notice. Government doesn’t serve government. Government should serve the people. I believe that is what Sarah Palin’s selection is all about.

What’s not to love about a politician who got their start in the PTA?


Anonymous said...

Hi Christie. I love your blog and I just have to say that I couldn't agree more!

Flashlight Girl said...

I'm going to have to read up on Gov. Palin. I'm thinking that McCain is going after the female demographic that was left floundering after Hilary stepped down. I hope it works. One thing is certain, Obama's "change" theme doesn't hold water when you have Sen Biden as a running mate. Now, a mother of five and not a career politician as VP, that's about as outside-of-the-box as you can get. Maybe there really will be some "change" in the White House.

Angie said...

I agree with you on this... however, did I hear them right that she had a baby in APRIL??? I find it difficult to believe that she will have much time at all to be a mother to that baby... I assume it's not really "bring your baby to work... in the White House" very often. How will she have time? - running the country as VP doesn't seem like a 9to 5 job to me.... Can you imagine the stress!

Kimberly Bluestocking said...

Actually, she may have plenty of time to be a mom when the election's over. A VP doesn't have much to do - break ties in Congress, maybe sit on some committees. Oh yeah, and take over the most influential country in the world if the president dies.

That's what worries me about Palin as VP. While there is a certain charm about a small-town mom being our second-in-command, she really doesn't seem to have the administrative or diplomatic experience to run such a powerful and complex nation. Even the smartest aides could only help her so much with that. And if she's too much of an "outsider," she may not know how to work the political system to actually get anything done. That's the trouble Jimmy Carter ran into in his single term as president.

Don't get me wrong--I love seeing a woman on a major party's ticket. What troubles me is that she seems to have been chosen JUST because she's a (safe) woman who could win some gender votes, not because she's an outstanding candidate who also happens to be female. It seems like a step forward and step back at the same time.

Hope you don't mind my comment. You mentioned Palin on Nomad's blog, and I was curious to read your thoughts about her.

Kimberly Bluestocking said...

P.S. I like the clean sock analogy for repentance that you mentioned in a previous post. :)

Christie said...

Bluestocking, enjoyed your comment. And Angie, I wondered about how Palin would mother her children too. As much as at-home mothering works for me, it doesn't work for everyone -- my own mother included. Bluestocking's take on the role of VP coincides with my own thinking, and I too was concerned about Palin taking over as Pres. with McCain should die in office. But here's the thing. If we continue to elect the same kind of politicians who have always run for office (seasoned, politically connected), we'll continue to get what what we've always gotten -- politics as usual.

I say stir things up a bit. Yes, an African American for President would be stirring things up. Electing a female vice president would also be a deviation from the status quo. Either way it looks like we're in for change. But I'm a concervative with compassion, and Sarah Palin really calls my name.

Kimberly Bluestocking said...

I'm pretty tired of politics as usual, too. I think that's one reason for Obama's wide appeal - he has an inspiring, outsider's vision for change, but he's also familiar enough with the system that he may actually be able to deliver on his promises. I haven't yet decided whether I'll vote for him, but I'm very curious to see what he might achieve if elected.

P.S. Sorry my first comment was so long. I had a lot on my mind, but it sure was a brash way to introduce myself, wasn't it? :/

Allie's Antics said...

I can't help but comment on this very controversial post! You know my feelings on this presidential election. I am about to resort to electro-shock therapy to get me to avoid vomiting when I see John McCain. I am not sure why he would pick this no-name woman. She seems nice and all. Life-time member of the NRA? That is a problem. The great thing about being friends with you is that we can agree to disagree. Love tons!

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