Thursday, September 04, 2008

Patient and Politically Active -- patient report #7

After getting a little hot under the collar about criticism towards my favorite candidate for U.S. Vice President (sorry about that), I realized that an election year is the perfect time to work on my patience.

Reading the newspaper and on-line news accounts of the party conventions gets me all stirred up. But because I want to be an informed voter, I can’t just stick my head in the sand and vote irresponsibly. I’m also finding that I can’t really engage in too much political opinion blog reading and responding. (It’s the responding part that gets me into trouble.)

Here’s what I can do as a person who is trying to overcome an impatience problem – quit complaining and do something.

By writing about Gov. Palin’s selection, I voiced my opinions and views. I’m going to allow others to do the same and allow everyone their own opinion. (This is a bit hard for me, as I was raised in a family where much discussion took place until we were of the same opinion – usually my dad’s.) I can remind myself that unlike facts, opinions aren’t a right or wrong proposition.

Also, I can do more to become politically active. I’m a supporter of the county-wide library movement here in my home area, something that my town representatives ought to know. I believe that rich counties in Utah shouldn’t get more education funding than poorer counties. If government is going to fund education, it ought to do it equally. I’ll be writing my state representatives to voice my concern on this issue. On a national scale, I can do a better job of corresponding with those representing me. I can also become informed on issues.

Most importantly, I can do something within my circle of influence to improve America. I’d like to think that this blog helps mothers find perspective and persevere in raising tomorrow’s active citizens. If I really believe that less government is best, I can do more to support non-profit organizations that work to solve our country’s most pervasive social ills. I can influence my children and other youth I know to get an education, value hard work, strive to improve themselves and find happiness and contentment in life.

Being patient doesn’t mean being apathetic. It means doing all that you can and then living peacefully with the results.


Flashlight Girl said...

Very good, rational approach to patience. I'm hanging back in my political opinions lately. Gov. Palin's nomination surprised me, and I'm beginning to get a sense of who she is and what she can do, but I'm being cautious nonetheless. I never comment on the political blog scene; I'm just not brave enough. I've always been a promoter of local government is the best place to make a difference. Your vote and activism in your hometown and county has the most impact on you personally and how much you enjoy living in a particular place. Thanks for motivating me to think about these things today!

Suko said...

Well-said, Christie. The beauty of this country is that it's a democracy, and we are able to express our opinions.
As for me, I'm a democrat who believes in hard work (but not higher taxes) and also in social programs that help others to (eventually) help themselves. Being involved and active--"having a voice"--is a part of our responsibility to our freedom.

Science Teacher Mommy said...

Loving all you said about local involvment. At schools, people constantly complain, but very few parents volunteer to come down and get their hands dirty. Our founding fathers were all about small businesses, hard work and local control of political situations. I wonder what they would think now?

Kimberly Bluestocking said...

"Unlike facts, opinions aren’t a right or wrong proposition."

I think that's a very important thing to remember. So often I assume that every right-thinking individual ought to draw the same conclusions I do. That's rarely the case, though, and it helps me remember that even people with polar opposite views usually have at least one thing in common: they genuinely want to do the right thing for their country.