This morning my husband and I went to U&I Furniture's big warehouse sale. We arrived there at 7 A.M. and by 7:30 A.M. had paid for a new leather couch and loveseat and an additional loveseat. We were back with our truck and trailer at 8 o'clock to load them up and take them home. (I squealed, did Toyota leaps, and sang the whole way home. I've never had new couches before. This is a red-letter day!)
Once the furniture was home, the problem became how to get it moved into the house and set up. Hubby thought I'd need MAN power to get it all moved in, but he had to go to work. Instead, I called my girlfriends. Raquel, Linda and Jeanette came right over. My husband showed up as we were moving the leather loveseat in from the garage and wanted to help. I said, "No! Then we can claim that we did it all ourselves. We don't need a man to help move furniture. We're tough women!" After some heavy lifting, sweating, and light-hearted laughter, the furniture is all set up. Behold!
Congrats on your new furniture!
Love it!! Don't forget that I'm tough... you could have called me too... except that Jady had a night of "throw-ups" last night... so... you might not have wanted me there... brand new couches at all!
Yeah for you! It is so pretty!
They look great! I can't believe you didn't call me to come help! I will have to flex next time we see each other.
Yahoo for you and.... Savannah! :) That put a smile on my face. She's so sweet!
The loveseat in the kitchen is great! We have one as well. It is absolutely the most used piece of furniture, excepting the kitchen table, in the house! It is a fave place to read, sleep, hang out, etc. We keep our basket of library books, a big dictionary and our scriptures nearby. You'll love the leather! Yay, yay, yay! P.S. You are so frugal. I can't believe this is your first new couch. Your patience and resistance to advertising is amazing!!! :)
I'm so glad I was there to heed the call. I don't know if I've ever been considered one of someone's strongest friends before. It was fun to do it, but when you move the full sized couch out . . . I'm busy! (just kidding)
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